Is Your Association Relevant and Essential to Your Membership?
In addition to speaking to associations, Bill has sat on the Board of associations and been active with local Boards and associations in his community. He knows they are different from any business environment and is intimately familiar with the issues and opportunities facing associations today. Bill recognizes the critical role of the volunteer and understands the need to ensure a sustainable business model that remains relevant and grows their membership from first-hand experience.
Bill customizes his presentations with stories and experiences that are relevant to associations based on his real life experience and personal insight into the world of associations.
Bill Hogg was one of the highest rated speakers and the speaker most requested for a return engagement at our annual conference. He communicated sophisticated leadership and management concepts in a way that was easily understood and could be put into practice.
Jena L. Hoffman, President & CEO
INTIX | International Ticketing Association
You were one of our highest rated speakers at the national conference. The content was relevant, actionable and delivered in a fresh, fun and provocative style that kept the audience engaged and entertained. In fact, your session created enough buzz with attendees that we chose to use the session simulcast in our promotion for this year’s conference as an example of the type of speakers attendees can expect. You are a true professional and an absolutely pleasure to work with. I look forward to having the opportunity to work with you again.
Gail McHardy, Director, Conference and Events
CSAE | Canadian Society of Association Executives
Bill was our highest rated keynote speaker over the past four years, despite his “straight shooter” approach which ruffled some feathers. Our attendees valued his honesty, his insight and his ability to challenge our comfort levels. We are a stronger association now because of it and are taking on some of our challenges head-on in really exciting ways for our industry. Even as a high-functioning association there is always room for improvement, especially to remain relevant in a world with competing forces and priorities.
Irene Martin-Lindsay, Executive Director
ASCHA | Alberta Seniors Communities & Housing Association
Attended Bill’s presentation at Landscape Ontario Congress. Strong and engaging speaker, interactive approach with interesting real-life examples. His ideas and message are easy to understand and follow all the way through. Takes time to understand and absorb questions one may have, and follows through with a personal approach, broad and descriptive explanation. True, positive and captivating experience well worth it.
Nick Kachmar, Owner
HortiTech Garden Services