Call Bill when your organization needs to provoke change, increase passion and productivity of your people — and measurably improve bottom line results.

You’re in Good Company!
For more information about the client list, feel free to contact Bill. Would you like to know more? Find out first hand what clients have said about working with Bill, visit Client Testimonials.- Adecco
- Alias Research
- Anheuser-Busch/InBev
- ASCHA | Alberta Seniors Community & Housing Association
- Block Drug
- Boyle Midway
- CAFE | Canadian Association of Fairs & Exhibitions
- Canadian Kawasaki Motors
- CHMSE | Canadian Hotel Marketing & Sales Executives
- CNE | Canadian National Exhibition
- CSAE | Canadian Society of Association Executives
- CSCB | Canadian Society of Customs Brokers
- Dare Foods
- Exhibition Place
- Ferring Pharmaceuticals
- Fishery Products
- HBC Rewards, Loyalty and Credit Services
- Home Outfitters
- INTIX | International Ticketing Association
- Labatt Canada
- Labatt USA
- Landscape Ontario
- Lexus/Toyota
- LifeScan/Johnson & Johnson
- Magna International
- McNeil Consumer Products
- MediSense/Abbott Laboratories
- OEL | Ontario Electrical League
- OFA | Ontario Film Authority
- Oldsmobile/General Motors US
- Ontario Place
- OPTA | Ontario Professional Ticketing Association
- Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan
- Pita Pit Canada
- Pita Pit New Zealand
- Pita Pit USA
- Prime Restaurants
- Procter & Gamble
- RBH Inc.
- ServiceOntario/Ontario Government
- Sherwin Williams
- Simmons
- Suzuki Canada
- Sweetripe Foods
- The Bay
- Thompson Ahern International
- TIFF | Toronto International Film Festival
- Toronto Humane Society
- Town of Richmond Hill
- Unilever
- Uniroyal Goodrich
- Wood Gundy
- Yamaha