Leadership That Stimulates Change
LEADERSHIP THAT STIMULATES CHANGE focuses on the critical relationship between leadership, employee engagement and delivering an exceptional customer experience as a competitive advantage.
Bill is recognized as the Performance Excelerator™ because of his uncanny ability to create profound change and deliver extraordinary results with the most demanding organizations.
As a senior executive with over 30 years experience, he works with senior leaders to navigate change and influence and inspire higher performing, customer-focused cultures that create long-term, profitable relationships with your customers and excelerate performance and productivity with leaders and employees.

5 Things All Great Leaders Do to Create a Culture of Leadership
What’s the secret to creating a culture of leadership that will take your organization forward for years to come? There is no secret -- it starts at the top with you. In my experience as a leadership speaker and consultant, it starts with senior leaders reflecting internally -- to understand their purpose, gain clarity about what they stand for and what the organization stands for -- and identifying how to communicate this with the rest of your organization. It is the strength of individuals who make an organization world class. And companies that make leadership development a strategic priority has the ability to attract and retain the best leadership talent, and move to the head of the pack. Leadership Culture Starts at the Top Transformational leaders understand that a culture of leadership doesn’t start with a written document, but...

10 Tips to Improve Your Customer Experience
Today, customers are no longer looking for great customer service -- they want more. Today customers demand a great customer experience and will not settle for anything less. It is no longer good enough for companies to provide good customers service -- rather, companies need to create memorable interactions with customers that help establish a loyal relationship and promote brand advocacy. Creating a memorable customer experience is based on the creation of an ideal experience that your customers would want to have throughout their relationship with your company. These interactions take place on a number of channels such as in person, over the phone, through email, and on social platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. Successful customer experiences are scalable and can be managed consistently across multiple channels. Your customer's...

Continuing the Cycle: How to Develop the Skills of Future Leaders
This is the sixth and final article in our leadership consulting series that looks at creating transformative change in your organization. The full series will be available for download as a white paper once it is completed. In our last article, we discussed building your change management plan. Now let's discuss how to continue the cycle and develop the skills of future leaders. Maintaining Strong Leadership – Building from Within In my experience as a leadership expert, an organizational culture that reflects your vision and values as a leader is sustained over time only through the internal development of future leaders. Continuing the cycle of strong leaders is possible by being proactive and developing the skills of future leaders. This is possible by embedding leadership development into your organizational culture and...

5 Ways to Turn Indifferent Customers into Raving Fans
Providing good customer service just isn’t enough anymore, not with companies the world over clamouring for the dwindling dollars consumers spend. And heaven forbid your customer service should be classified average! That could, literally, be the death of a company if it’s not turned around quickly.

8 Emotional Drivers of Employee Engagement
We've all seen the lists -- the definitive list of drivers for employee engagement. Unfortunately, every research company and consultancy has a slightly different list. If it's not on the list, is it not important? Who's right? Well, to a certain degree they all are -- the problem is trying to create the definitive list. Lists aren't bad, but too often they are linked to tick boxes which suggest people can tick them off as complete. And employee engagement is never complete. Employee Engagement Is An Ongoing Challenge For Organizational Leaders Consider this scenario: 3 of 4 employees are not engaged and 1 is actively disengaged. Too many employees are just there for the paycheck and perform at a level that allows them to get by while doing less than their best. Many employees also underperform because they are disinterested or not...

5 Ways Courageous Leadership Evokes Action and Engagement
Courageous leaders set the tone for organizational performance. When leaders establish themselves as a strong and courageous personality they set the tone for the rest of the company and shape the overall culture. Dithering about decisions or not being willing to make the difficult decisions causes employees to question your leadership skills and impacts your ability to execute your vision. Therefore, leaders need to develop leadership traits and take actions that will evoke action and engage employees. Courageous leadership traits There are a number of common traits that courageous leader possess. It is these traits that make them transformational leaders and put them in a position to inspire their employees to engage in the vision and culture they have created for the company. To be a courageous leader you need to: Make tough...

How Weak Leadership Impacts Customer Loyalty
Customer experience is foundational to the success of your organization. As a customer experience expert, and as a customer myself, I have seen my fair share of customer experiences ranging from exceptional to downright disturbing. Check out Sometimes Truth is Stranger than Fiction and Is Your Customer Focused Language Important? for more about interesting customer service experiences. One thing that is no surprise is that industry-leading organizations are often recognized for providing great service and creating memorable customer experiences. They put the time and resources into ensuring they have knowledgeable team members who are friendly and ready to help. Plus, they are skilled at providing great after-sale service to further the relationship customers have with their organization/brand. What is the key to their success in...

Leadership Skills: 5 Ways To Ignite Passion In Your Team
True leaders have the innate ability to motivate staff to achieve better results. Leading with a passion is what separates great leaders from the “wannabees.” Some people come to work every day, do their job and then go home. Their heart isn’t really in it, but they need the money, so they see their job simply as a means to an end — money. So how do you inspire your team to deliver superior results? Here are five ways to ignite the passion in your team.

6 Ways for Leaders to Create Organizational Change
Helping leaders navigate organizational change is one of my favourite activities as a leadership consultant. There is no doubt that forward thinking organizations understand that change will always be part of doing business, especially as new technologies and ways to do business emerge in an increasingly competitive marketplace. As I have discussed in previous posts such as How To Get Your Team To Buy Into Organizational Change and How Transformative Leaders Make Organizational Change Stick, leaders themselves need to be transformative in order to inspire higher performance that creates customer-focused cultures and create long-term, profitable relationships with customers. However, the process of getting to this point is often a difficult one. 6 Ways to Create Transformative Organizational Change Here are 6 ways you can create...

12 Steps to Improve Your Customer Experience
Employee engagement and exceptional customer service play a critical role as a competitive advantage in the business landscape. Great customer service built on a foundation of high employee engagement isn't a revolutionary concept. More companies are recognizing just how important a deliberate and intentional customer-focused culture is, but few companies do it well. Here are 12 simple steps to ensure your organization is maximizing this important competitive advantage. Here are 12 simple steps to ensure your organization is maximizing this important competitive advantage: 1. Lead By Example: Leaders set the tone and direction. Make customer service a key priority. Make sure your own behaviours are ones you want to be modeled by your team. 2. Involve Your Customers: No one knows what your customers want better than your customers. If...