Bill takes no prisoners, and his clients love him for it!
Senior leaders hire Bill to help individuals and organizations navigate change and achieve next level performance.
Leveraging his proven, real-world experience in advertising & marketing, strategy development, corporate leadership and business ownership, Bill knows organizations only create a competitive advantage when they emotionally connect people with a shared vision that;
• inspires buy-in and drives organizational objectives
• empowers their people with processes and resources that motivate discretionary effort
• builds accountability into the corporate DNA
• harnesses the hearts and minds of their team in the face of change
For over 30 years, Bill has been the go-to guy when the world’s most recognized brands are faced with challenges that require change — to improve passion, productivity and performance with their people — and bottom line results.
If you are ready for the profound shift in your team’s mindset that stimulates real change and improved results, you need Bill Hogg — the “no excuse” guy who has walked in your shoes. Learn more about Bill Hogg.